Synopsis: Salem’s Lot meets The Darkest Part of the Forest in this horror-fantasy retelling of Christina Rossetti’s “Goblin Market.” Lou never believed in superstitions or magic–until her teenage aunt Neela is kidnapped to the goblin market. The market is a place Lou has only read about–twisted streets, offerings of sweet fruits and incredible jewels. Everything–from the food and wares, to the goblins themselves–is…
Category: Asexual Representation
Godslayers Review: A Divine Ending to one of my Favorite Series
TW: suicide, graphic violence, gaslighting, manipulation Our favorite morally grey sci-fi sapphics are back in Zoe Hana Mikuta’s Godslayers. If you thought the first book ended at rock bottom, have no fear Eris and Sona both have their pick axes sharpened and are ready to dig. We last saw our main characters in the ruin of Godolia, after attempting to…